“Tasting the World” is a collection of travel notes and related observations. Come on in and have a look.
If you want to begin at the beginning of a trip, here are some links:
Northern Thailand
- My 2020 return to some less explored areas of Northern Thailand: The Dozenth Meetup
- My 2016 trip to some less explored areas of Northern Thailand: Calling All Experienced Thai Travelers
- My 2013 trip to Northern Thailand: A Very Happy New Year
- My 2010 trip to Northern Thailand: Welcome to Bangkok.
- My 2007-2008 trip to Northern Thailand: A Day of Adjustment.
Southern Thailand
- My 2019 trip to Southern Thailand: Back in Bangkok Again
- My 2017 trip to Southern Thailand: Let’s Get This Party Started
- My 2015 trip to Southern Thailand: From San Francisco to Bangkok: Same Same But Different
- My 2012 trip to Southern Thailand: It’s Hot in Bangkok
- My 2010 trip to Southern Thailand: It’s a Whole New Trip.
- My 2006 trip to Southern Thailand: Bangkok Revisited.
- My 2005 trip to Southern Thailand: Three Nights in Bangkok.
Other Destinations
- My 2011 trip to Maui: Settling In
- My 2010 trip to Taiwan: A Delicious Introduction to Taipei.
To understand why I keep returning to Thailand, check out Visiting Thailand with Kasma Loha-Unchit.
Note: Here and there you may see a form to enter a passcode. If you don’t have the passcode, don’t worry about it. If you do, you can use the form to unlock some additional content.
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Please behave in the Comments, and enjoy! -Jefferson Scher
20 Responses to “Welcome”
Comments (20)
SawaDee-Krap and KapKun-Krap! I’m writing to you from exotic NJ,US for two reasons: 1. I much appreciate your google-search-timeframe-script and want to say “thanks”, and 2) once here at your site, I see we may have something in common: love of Southern Asia, particularly Thailand (trips: 9, duration: 18 months, years: 2005-2012).
I’ve used your script to add the gamut of 1yr/1mnth/1wk/1day/1hr searches in firefox and chrome, with the 1 year as default. I see that every search I add is represented by the same icon you provide, so I’m going to see if I can learn how to edit a way to change the icons on the “add” box. I then create edit a generic google “G” search icon by superimposing a label (e.g., “1yr”, etc.) on each one.
Regarding Thailand, from your postings, it looks like you may have covered more ground and learned more about the whole of the country than I did. I spend the majority of my time in Chiang Mai and in villages near Korat, Nakon Rachasima, towards the border with Cambodia. Fortunately, I learned how to cook many Thai foods l love (from a cooking school, remote old-school villages, and street vendors). Truly amazing experiences.
I’m now planning travel in New Zealand.
Best Wishes,
Fahrang Ben
Hello Jefferson,
Mike from NY here (Southern Trip in 2005) – I just found your site. Great information and photos. I really enjoy your writing style and want to thank you for this great summary of all your trips and the food!!! Looking forward to reading about more of your adventures.
Hey Mike, great to hear from you! I hope all is well and we get a chance to catch up next time I’m out East. Or in Thailand, as the case may be.
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